- The appropriate fee (£20.00 for BFA/IoPF Members or £45.00 for non members + VAT + ticket booking fee) must accompany each entry in each class and will need to be purchased in addition to your FleurEx entry/ registration ticket.
- Competitors may place their entry(s) from 8:30am to 9:30am. Late entries will not be included.
- Entries may not be removed before 4.00pm without written agreement from the organisers.
- All work submitted must be the work of the competitor and brought ready made.
- THE JIMMY NUTTALL TROPHY. The late Jimmy Nuttall worked and striven for perfection in workmanship, and yet constantly endeavoured to create innovative floral designs. The Jimmy Nuttall trophy will be awarded to the competitor in any competition that the judges believe has created the most innovative design that typifies this ideology. (This is a very prestigious award and will only be given if the judges agree that the competition exhibit reaches this standard).
- Staff will be in attendance and your co-operation is appreciated.
- Once the judges have reached their verdict the presentation of prizes will be made on the main stage.
- After the presentations the room to the competition room will be opened for viewing. Whilst every effort will be made to judge and open the competition area as soon as possible, the organisers reserve the right to withhold timings.
- The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding the results.
- Only one entry per class, per individual will be accepted.
- It is the responsibility of the competitor to book the correct Class of competition. No changes can be made on the day of the competition.
- It is the responsibility of the competitor to place their entry on the correct Class of the competition. The competitor is responsible for ensuring the stability of their entry when placed.
- On arrival you must enclose on a separate sheet with your entry, the competitors name, business/college/ training school.
- Under no circumstances will entries be accepted without a name.
- Please note; trophies and cups for the competitions will be awarded on the day, but for administration and management purposes may only be held for one year by BFA member’s resident in the UK and Eire.
- The BFA regrets the fact that competitors will not be eligible for a refund if they are unable to attend the competition.
- A ticket for entrance to the trade exhibition and masterclasses will have to be purchased separately.
- There will be no Questions and Answers for Sunday competitions.
- All competitors must make themselves and their entry available, as required by the BFA for media purposes.
- The BFA and the UK Floristry Judges Guild reserve the right to amend the rules and regulations for FleurEx competitions at any time.
- Idea 20 marks
Colour 20 marks
Composition 30 marks
Technique 30 marks
Total maximum marks 100 - The Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- The running of the floristry competitions is the responsibility of the BFA and the UK Floristry Judges Guild.
Aggression or abuse from competitors or visitors directed towards BFA or UK Floristry Judges Guild staff will not be tolerated. Aggressive or abusive behaviour includes language (whether verbal or written) that may cause staff to feel afraid, threatened or abused and may include threats, personal verbal abuse, derogatory remarks and rudeness. We also consider inflammatory statements, remarks of a racial or discriminatory nature, unsubstantiated allegations and being under the influence of alcohol or drugs to be abusive behaviour. Competitors or visitors found displaying any of the above symptoms of behaviour will be removed from the competition/event and banned from entering any future competitions/events organised by the BFA & UK Floristry Judges Guild.