Top Tips for Florists using Click and Collect

The FactsActions
Non-essential retail can currently remain open for delivery to customers and click-and-collect.You may need to consider new logistical and operational challenges. Use effective marketing and social media communication with your customers
Click and Collect or curb side pick up to your shop can cost you less than delivering directly to the customer.You will need to manage customer expectations. Arranging the time of collection or describing effectively your delivery system so people feel comfortable and informed.
The customer can collect when they want to giving you specific dates and times which they may find more convenient.Customers can only be expected to travel a reasonable distance to collect their goods. Make sure if this option is available through your web shop that it is clear where you are situated.

Some key points: Make sure the customer is notified where they will need to go to collect their items. This maybe the front of a business, a passageway or a car park , make it clear. Also let the customer know when the collection will be ready and what they need to bring with them to verify their order. 

If placing a table in front of your flower business for click and collect ensure you do not use display products or order taking paperwork. The table or stand is for click and collect only and you must not encourage customers to linger at the table.

When taking orders over the phone, be cautious of fraudulent card payments, so you might want to give customers an order number and ask them to bring the card they used to pay for the order over the phone with. 

Communication with the customer is key to a successful Click and Collect service  

In some cases you may want to implement a timed collection for or run fixed hours for your customers where they can come and collect their goods. Always take contact details for your customers including email and telephone numbers to send the collection notifications to. 

As your shop is closed you will need to let your customer know what the procedure will be and when they have arrived to collect their goods. Will this be by telephoning the shop, sending an email, text or Facebook message etc? 

You may want to consider any new policies you may need for Click and Collect. For example, if you are offering reserve and collect, decide how long you will hold products before you put them back into stock. There may be many reasons why a customer can not collect at a specific time or date but when you produce a fresh product how long will you hold it for?

It’s important to make the collection procedure simple for your customers, as if it is too much hassle you won’t get repeat business. 

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