Photographic competition results

The Winner of the Floristry & Floral Designer Photographic Competition Simply Spring Bridal Design 2021 is Katerina Holisova.

The UK Floristry Judges Guild are pleased to announce the winner of our very first Floristry Photographic Competition.  It was open to Florists and Floral Designers across the Globe and we had an amazing response with entries from not only the UK but Europe and America. Competitors were asked to create a bridal design with the theme “Simply Spring” and to send in a selection of specific photos.

All the photographs were examined by a panel of professional experts from the UK Floristry Judges Guild and each competition entry was awarded either a Gold, Silver Gilt, Silver or Bronze medal or no award, based on points which adhere to the judges marking sheet which can be seen on the UKFJG website. 

Katerina has won a cash prize of £300.

The UKFJG Photographic Committee are working on the next Competition which will be advertised in the Autumn.  We hope if you took part this time, you’ll do it again, as a new theme and design will be announced and if you didn’t take part, then make sure you do next time!

Competing is invaluable not only to encourage new skills but also to showcase your designs.

Florist/Floral Designer Simply Spring Bridal Design 2021 Results

Overall Winner and Gold Medallist      

Katerina Holisova

Gold Medals                                          

 Hanna Beckley                                                               

 Zoe Rowlinson

Silver Gilt Medals                                   

Tina Pound                                                               

Matthew Blind

Clara Agnew

Silver Medals                                        

 Allison Hood                                                               

 Jay Cockett                                                               

Emily Acutt

Bronze Medals                                       

Jackie Axe                                                              

 Natalija Gascenko                                                           

Amanda Trebilcock                                                           

Mandy Bunnett                                                           

Emily Piscioneri                                                           

Xue Wang

Well done to everyone that entered the competition and look out for further details in the autumn for a new photographic competition from the UK Floristry Judges Guild

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