Covid: Going forwards, to mask or not?

As restrictions lifted on the 19th July across a lot of the UK many have been left wondering what to do for the best within their own businesses. The ‘OK, off you go people’ approach by government in England has been a strange feeling of relief and apprehension because we all know this virus has NOT gone away yet.

So…. what do we do for the best? Remember that if what you are doing now is leaving you feeling uncomfortable then change it, make sure you feel safe and your customers, staff and business are well looked after.

Last week we saw a lot of major retail players laying out their new ground rules and still keeping the wearing of masks inside as a rule. This is something you can do too if you want.

Differences in UK Locations

With regards to England, There is still guidance given by government to keep us safe and many may wish to retain certain precautions to safe guard yourself, staff and indeed you business. England is at step 4 of the roadmap.

This link takes you to the few pointers, given by government that you might like to follow. Risk assessments, cleaning and ventilation, track and trace QR codes, staff training and turning away customers and staff with symptoms can all be a part of your newer routine.

You know your business. Do what you feel comfortable with and what is right for your circumstances.

For Weddings the restrictions have been lifted: READ MORE HERE

Wales is at alert level 1. The rules can be seen here and the MUST do rules are:

  • observe physical distancing, stay 2 metres (3 steps) away from others who are not part of your household or your permitted group of six in indoor public premises;
  • always wear a face covering in indoor public places, on public transport or in other indoor places unless exempt.

Wales is set to update guidance on 7th August.

Scotland is now at a Level 0 status and guidance can be found here

Physical distancing outdoors within a social grouping of 15 people is removed (but a requirement to maintain 1 metre from all others) and physical distancing for indoor public places is reduced to 1 metre

Scotland plan to update guidance on 9th August

Northern Ireland updates can be found in this link but face coverings must be worn in retail situations

Advice given is to ‘Make safer choices’ by following these points:

  • book a test and self-isolate for 10 days if you have COVID-19 symptoms
  • self-isolate if you have been identified as a close contact
  • wash your hands
  • wear a face-covering
  • keep your distance from others
  • limit your contacts
  • avoid large gatherings and busy places
  • spend time outdoors rather than indoors
  • don’t travel to or from places with higher COVID-19 infection rates

If in any doubt as to the rules and your business, you can always contact us on and we are happy to talk you through. Equally if you have anything to share with us about how you are operating at the minute then please do share with us. We would love to hear from you.

We continue to work with the UKWedding Taskforce for the latest on weddings/event updates you can visit: UK Wedding Task force website or their insta

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