About the 2017 European Floristry School
The school of 2017 was held at Moreton Morrell College, this beautiful countryside location was the perfect location with excellent facilities and grounds that the international tutors Mark Pampling from Australia, Moniek Vanden Berghe from Belgium, Nicu Bocancea from Romania as well as the student were delighted to be able to pick from.
The tutors arrived and preparations begun on Thursday, with such technical and intrecate work there was much to do, we had an amazing team of helper who we’re very grateful to: Vicky Raine, Rebecca Hough, Claire Hammond, Danielle Ellison, Jane Benefield were all super-stars our thanks go to them all.
Karen Massey attended for the first time, she came over from Dublin and wasn’t able to attend all this days this year, but still wouldn’t have miss it for the world; “I had a great time at the BFA Summer School this year. Met so many lovely , like minded people. The course was really well organised, the venue is great. The tutors were fabulous, really friendly and really happy to share their knowledge. I learnt lots of little tips too. I can’t wait for next time and hope to be able to go for all three days! worth leaving my house at 3.30 am!”
Khalida Bharmal from U-Floria wrote to us to give her thanks The course was really interesting and informative. Moniek is an amazing designer and tutor, very helpful with questions and her concept of design. She has a lot of patience and takes pride in putting all the designs together. It has given me an insight into exploring different ways of using materials to make the bridal bouquets and wrist corsages. Please thank the whole team for their amazing help.
Mark Pamling’s designs were staged in the local church, an excellent venue to set off these exceptional designs. We’ll share lots more images with you in due course.

Details at a glance
18h, 19th, and 20th August 2017 from 9.30am to 5.30pm
In the grounds of Moreton Hall, Moreton Morrell College in Warwickshire
Moreton Morrell College,
Moreton Morrell,
CV35 9BL
Sat Nav postcode: CV35 9BP
- £895 including VAT – for 3 full days of tutorial, Includes: All flower/plant materials, sundries, lunch & refreshments.
- Single days may also be available, subject to availability for £295.00, including all flower/plant materials, sundries, lunch and refreshments.
How it works
Students attending the school will be provided with all the flower and sundries required (you can even take home what you don’t use.) Those fortunate to attend the full course will spend one day with each tutor learning the tutors chosen subject and concept designs.
The atmosphere of the workshops are wonderfully relaxed, yet the work will stretch even the most experienced designer.
Moreton Morrell is a lovely college, based in the heart of Warwickshire countryside, with gardens are full of flowers and foliages ready to be explored, you can even cut materials from the grounds should you wish! Lunch is provided each day and tea and coffee are on tap. We usually have a sociable evening out altogether for something to eat and drink too. We are confident the EFS will prove to be a special place for learning and relaxation.
About the tutition and designs
This year Mark will be working in the village church and graveyard, we have booked a specialist climber who will not only be on-hand to hand not only designs in the church but also cut back tree sections for landscape work. Moniek will be concentrating on what she is best known for, wedding work. Nicu will be focusing his attention on structures and frameworks that will leave you ore-inspired.
There are lots of B&B’s and Hotels around if you require any further information please contact Tracy on the above details.
Good to know
This event was fully subscribed in 2015, students had a fantastic time and were enquiring when the next one would be held before the weekend was over.
European Floristry School 2015:
August 2015 saw some of floristry’s biggest names come to the UK to share their skills with an audience of eager florists, flower enthusiasts and students. Natalia Zhizhko, Daniel Santamaria & Annette von Einem
The BFA reintroduced this popular event on UK floristry calendar after a break following many requests from it’s members. The 2015 event was held in the grounds of Moreton Morrell College in Warwickshire who provided their outstanding facilities to host this fabulous event.
Three European Masters ran the workshops using their unique skills and creative techniques over three days. Students attending the school spent one day with each tutor learning the tutors chosen subject and concept designs.