Industry awards and the winners are……

Below are the categories for 2019 and we are pleased to announce the winners of the individual awards.

Claire Kenyon, Bicton College, IoPF Floristry Student of the Year, BFA industry awards, FleurEx 2019
  1. IoPF Floristry Student of the Year

Claire Kenyon, Bicton College

Elaine Thackray, Writtle University College. Floristry tutor of the year, BFA industry awards, FleurEx 2019
  1. Floristry Tutor of the Year

Elaine Thackray, Writtle University College.

Floristry Training Provider of the Year, Writtle University college, BFA industry awards, FleurEx 2019
  1. Floristry Training Provider of the Year

Writtle University College

BFA industry awards FleurEx Ben Crossland of Crossland Flower Nursery, British flowers Grower of the year
  1. Grower of the Year

Crosslands Flower Nursery

IS Sundries Wholesale of florist sundries winner of BFA Industry awards 2019
  1. Sundries Supplier of the Year

IS Sundries

Tom Brown Wholesale, John Davidson. winnner of BFA industry awards 2019 FleurEx
  1. Local Flower Wholesaler of the Year

Tom Brown Wholesale

Direct2florist, Simon Sterling, Wendy Rae, Winners of BFA industry awards , FleurEx.
  1. Floristry Service Provider of the Year

Direct 2 florist

Sian Wild, Mark Entwistle, The flower lounge, Didsbury, winners of BFA industry awards , FleurEx
  1. Florist Website of the Year

The Flower Lounge, Didsbury.

  1. Retail Florist Shop of the Year

Flowers by Karen, Kilmarnock

  1. Flower Supplier of the Year

Simply foliage, trophy collected by Lorriane Key on behalf of Simply foliage.

Our thanks to all the sponsors that helped to make FleurEx a super successful show.

  1. IoPF Floristry Student of the Year
  2. Floristry Tutor of the Year
  3. Floristry Training Provider of the Year
  4. Grower of the Year
  5. Sundries Supplier of the Year
  6. Local Flower Wholesaler of the Year
  7. Flower Supplier of the Year
  8. Floristry Service Provider of the Year
  9. Florist Website of the Year
  10. Retail Florist Shop of the Year

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