Amazing Opportunity.

The BFA are on a mission to find 9 BFA members to go to the Netherlands courtesy of the Dutch Embassy and VGB (dutch florist association). The florists or buyers will cross the Channel to visit Dutch traders/producers. Our friends at the Dutch embassy have now secured the support from the Ministry and VGB to organise this trip and we would like to do so on 5-7 April, arriving on Sunday, with visits on Monday and Tuesday.
VGB will select companies on the Dutch side, and the BFA will co-ordinate with our members for the trip.
What is important to note is that Ministry policy dictates that participants should cover their own hotel costs and costs of the return trip to the Netherlands. This policy exists to ensure that participants are serious and committed about the opportunities offered by the event, something which of course we have no doubt about.
A suggested timetable (not confirmed) arrival evening of Sunday 5th April. Breakfast Monday 7.00am, visits to growers all day including lunch and networking Dinner with presentation. Tuesday early start, visits to growers finish approx 4.30pm, fly home Tuesday evening.

Please email with your BFA membership number, business name and a small bio of yourself and your business within the Industry. Do you buy directly from Holland? Let us know how you buy.
We will email those successful candidates straight after Valentines Day so that your travel arrangements can be made.