Cut Flower Poinsettias

Yes, you read it correctly Poinsettias as a cut flower, but you don’t have to just take our word for it do your own test, it might be the best thing you’ll do this month…. take a plant this week, condition it as explained below and do your own vase life test – this could be an excellent cut flower for you to use.  With the correct buying it could be a good cost effective flower too.

Yes, you read it correctly Poinsettias as a cut flower, but you don't have to just take our word for it do your own test, it might be the best thing you'll do this month.... take a plant this week, condition it as explained below and do your own vase life test - this could be an excellent cut flower for you to use.  With the correct buying it could be a good cost effective flower too.

Correct conditioning of cut Poinsettias

  1. Cut the stem from the plant, if necessary re-cut to get a good clean angle and the length you want to keep the flower.
  2. Then continue with the hot water treatment; dip the cut ends in boiling water for 20 seconds or until all air bubble are expelled from the stem.
  3. Immediately transfer the stem into cold water, this will seal in the milk sap
  4. Done… your cut poinsettia will last at least a week in water. 

This treatment supersedes any quartrising with a flame that was the previous conditioning suggestion for using poinsettias as a cut flower.

Cut poinsettia looked stunning in hand ties, single bud vases or arranged with other flowers and foliage’s straight into a vase for orders, impulse purchases or corporate work.

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