To all involved within our florist industry.
The situation with Covid-19 is changing rapidly, sometimes on a daily and hourly basis. This is the latest update and change of advice direct from government.
After our initial talks with BEIS (Business Energy & Industrial Strategy) in the first few weeks of lock down, the information given to the BFA was that collections are not allowed from wholesalers. This was then relayed to you all. We have, in the last week received a phone call which indicated that BEIS had given information conflicting with this, over the phone directly to an individual florist. The BFA have sought further written clarification on the up to date government stance on this, to clarify the differing information given. It is imperative that everyone has the right information to operate safely and correctly.
We have now received the following from BEIS via an email.
“With regards to your most recent correspondence regarding collecting stock from wholesalers. We have been clear that except for businesses we have asked to close, all other businesses including online sales can continue, and we encourage it. It is important that those businesses that remain open have access to the supplies they need and therefore the collection of goods from wholesalers is permitted. We would expect all businesses remaining open to follow Public Health England guidelines.”
As an association it is our duty to relay this to you. Goalposts are constantly changing but rest assured that we are keeping up to date with the details. Safety must be at the forefront of everyones minds and please do continue to act in a socially responsible way.
The British Retail Consortium or BRC have released some advice on warehouse and distribution operations. Please follow the link below and you may also download their Implementation practices document which outlines delivery and collection best practice.