Lonely Bouquet Day 30th June 2019

The National Lonely Bouquet Day will take place on Sunday the 30th of June 2019.

The ultimate goal of this initiative is very simple, florists and flower lovers all around the world dedicate one day a year to making strangers happy. The method chosen to achieve this goal is… flowers!

What began as a simple idea to spread the joy of flowers throughout our local countryside has blossomed into an initiative that florists and flower lovers throughout the world have embraced. After-all, the beauty of flowers knows no boundaries…  this campaign has proven it can’t be confined to just one country.

As the day falls at the tail end of British Flowers Week it seems a great opportunity to use some British beauties too perhaps?

The basic concept of the Lonely Bouquet goes a little something like this:

  1. Florists will gather a small selection of flowers together. 
  2. The flowers will be arranged into a bunch, bouquet or arrangement.
  3. A message will be added to the bouquet something along the lines of – “Adopt me please, I’m looking for a new home. Perhaps I can live with you or a loved one? Please take me. Our flower friends would love to hear from us and find out where we ended up. Please let them know at www.facebook.com/thelonelybouquet” or add your own business facebook page, you can change this message to encourage an image to be uploaded etc.
  4. The arrangement will be left for a lucky local to take home. 
  5. Voila! The flowers will be found and will surely put a smile on a stranger’s face.
  6. The greatest stories are told on facebook – messages of enjoyment that’s been spread.

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