The latest information for all those in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
England- Grants
The Chancellor announced new Grant information following the National Lockdown. The grant will be based on the rateable value of the property on the first full day of restrictions. Businesses that have been required to close due to national restrictions imposed by government as of 5 January 2021 may be eligible for a one-off grant of up to £9,000.
Your business may be eligible if your occupy a property on which you pay business rates (must be the ratepayer) and you are in England.
If your business has a property with a rateable value of £15,000 or less, you may be eligible for a cash grant of £1,334 for each 28-day qualifying restrictions period.
If your business has a property with a rateable value over £15,000 and less than £51,000, you may be eligible for a cash grant of £2,000 for each 28-day qualifying restrictions period.
If your business has a property with a rateable value of £51,000 or above, you may be eligible for a cash grant of £3,000 for each 28-day qualifying restrictions period.
All grants are available by contacting your local authority as before and may take several weeks to come through but please do contact them for any changes that have occurred with you and your business since applying the last time. https://www.gov.uk/find-local-council
Please note – Local Authorities in England have also received a one-off £1.1 billion total payment through the Additional Restrictions Grant. This funding is for additional business support to complement the Local Restrictions Support Grant schemes for closed and affected businesses. Local authorities have significant discretion as to how they use the ARG funding for business support.
Wales – Grants
The Sector Specific Grant applications will open in the week commencing 11 January 2021 and remain open for 2 weeks or until funds are fully committed. This grant is to support businesses impacted by the restrictions introduced on 4 December 2020. Use the Eligibility Checker now to review the criteria prior to its opening. To check if you are eligible for a grant https://fundchecker.businesswales.gov.wales/sectorspecificgrant/
Scotland – Grants
£30 million funding has been provided to local authorities in Scotland to provide additional support for businesses where they consider that necessary or justified. Please do not contact your local authority for further information about these funds at the moment. Local authorities can use this fund at their discretion, and will undertake their own assessment of need and develop application processes accordingly.
Application forms are available on individual council websites and should be filled in on-line and submitted through the council’s website (if available) or returned to councils by e-mail only. Applications can be made up to 31 March 2021. Click here for further information including payment dates.
Northern Ireland – Grants
Certain additional businesses operating in any part of Northern Ireland are subject to restrictions from 26 December 2020. The regulations relating to these restrictions are being developed. Applicants can now apply, though they may be asked to provide further information once the regulations have been finalised.
There are three levels of support available to businesses who fall into the eligible categories listed above and whose application is successful. The level of support that successful applicants will receive is based on the Total Net Annual Value (NAV) of the property from which the business operates: CLICK HERE to read the levels and grants available.
Claim a grant through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme
If you’re self-employed or a member of a partnership and have been impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19) you may be eligible to claim the grant. You must make your claim on or before 29 January 2021.
To check if you are eligible for the ‘ Income support’ during this National Lockdown please CLICK HERE
Check if you are eligible for additional restrictions grant
The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) provides local councils with grant funding to support closed businesses that do not directly pay business rates as well as businesses that do not have to close but which are impacted. In addition, larger grants can be given than those made through LRSG (Closed).
Local councils can determine which businesses to target and determine the amount of funding from the ARG.
Businesses adversely affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) can make use of the CJRS until the end of April, with the government continuing to pay 80% of employees’ salaries for hours not worked. Employers will only be required to pay wages, national insurance contributions (NICs) and pensions for hours worked, and NICs and pensions for hours not worked.
- Check if you’re eligible and work out how much you can claim using HMRC- CJRS calculator and examples, by searching ‘Job Retention Scheme’ on GOV.UK.
- Submit any claims for December no later than Thursday 14 January.
- Keep records that support the amount of CJRS grant you claim, in case HMRC needs to check them.
CLICK HERE for further information and links to HMRC.
Below is information about apprenticeships and the links to England, Scotland, Wales, and NI and their specific information regarding the apprenticeships schemes. Please note that incentives payments only apply to England.
For more information about each part of the UK click the box.
To find out more on Apprenticeships go to https://www.gov.uk/guidance/how-to-take-on-an-apprentice
To find a training provider go to https://findapprenticeshiptraining.apprenticeships.education.gov.uk/
To read more about Trailblazer apprenticeships go to https://britishfloristassociation.org/trailblazer-apprenticeship-training-providers/