Digging into Databases: 8 Top Tips to Help Your Floristry Email Marketing Bloom

When it comes to marketing your floristry business, having an email database of customers to communicate with is a great way to help you stay front of mind and drive sales. But how do you build a database and what do you need to know (or do) if you’re unsure how to begin? We asked BFA Marketing Partners, Queen Bee to give us their top tips on how to ‘do’ databases like a dab-hand! Here’s what they had to say:

For florists who feel more comfortable surrounded by bouquets than data, the idea of cultivating an email database can feel very alien. But we’re going to let you into a secret, digging into an email database is the best way to unearth some super opportunities for your business. 

Think of an email database like having a super safety net around your business that isn’t beholden to Meta’s algorithm changes and is guaranteed to be full of people who want to hear and buy from you. A decent database not only helps to protect you from losing access to your community (should the social media gods have a meltdown) but it also gives you a powerful marketing tool to add to your toolkit – one that you have total control over! Sounds good right? 

But first, before you start putting all the email addresses from previous orders and enquiries into a massive list and whacking out a welcome message, there are some rules about databases you need to follow. The only emails you can have on a marketing database are those of people who have consented to be on it. General Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) rules mean consumers need to consent to being on your marketing database. Whilst this might seem like you’re starting from scratch, it is, in fact, a brilliant way to make sure that everyone on your list is the right kind of customer you WANT to talk to. 

To help you ditch any dreaded database nerves, we’ve pulled together 8 sensational subscriber securing strategies guaranteed to help your marketing list bloom! 

Be Bold about Subscriber Benefits 

    Enticing customers to sign-up to your mailing list begins with being clear about the benefits on offer. So, think about what you can give to your consumer via your newsletter that will make them feel rewarded or ‘in-the-know’. Is it exclusive access to discount codes or insider tips or ‘first-looks’? A word of caution – always deliver on what you promise in exchange for sign-ups. Customers won’t tolerate broken promises, and they expect companies to 100% fulfil their commitments. Failing to do so will unsurprisingly lead them to hit the unsubscribe button. And no one wants that!

    Add a Sign-up Button to Your Website.

      It sounds obvious but it’s important. Make the subscription process SUPER easy. Make sure the link is visible on all your most visited pages. Pop it on your ‘Homepage’, your ‘Contact Us’ page and your ‘All About Us’ page. You could even create a ‘pop up’ to capture new visitors to your website so they can immediately subscribe whilst you’ve got their attention. Most platforms like Flodesk (our fave) and Mailchimp have easy to create sign up forms and it’s simply a matter of copying a piece of code onto your website (or have someone do it for you!).

      Add a Link on All Your Emails

        From order confirmations to digital receipts, delivery details or feedback forms, these are the perfect opportunities to add your subscriber link to communications you’re already having with your customers. Add a pithy prompt to encourage sign-up by thanking customers for their order and encouraging them to “Stay in touch! Sign up for our newsletter to receive exclusive tips and special promotions.” The best way to do this is create a ‘landing page’ via your marketing email platform e.g. Flodesk – this is a stand alone sign up page and gives you a url that you can link to in your emails. Once someone signs up they go straight into your database.

        Point of Sale (POS) in Store

        Encourage subscriber sign up in-store with strategically placed POS opportunities. Whether it’s a simple QR code encouraging customers to ‘scan to subscribe’ or a strategically placed tablet near the till where customers can quickly sign up whilst they wait for their blooms, you’re offering yet another way to increase your inbox list without even breaking into a database sweat! 

        Max Your Social Media 

        Use your stories and your social feed to wax lyrical about your newsletter content including the all-important link to ‘sign up’ as you post. What better way to create some serious FOMO by alluding to all the FAB free stuff, insider best bits and delicious discounts that being ON your list provides! Using your socials as a signpost for sign-up is not only great for your feed but it’s a dazzlingly simple way to drive up your database. 

        In Person Sign Up

        Running a workshop, hosting an event or attending a trade fair? Don’t forget to have a sign-up form on hand to scoop-up subscribers at these events too! Whether you opt for a pen and paper sign up or ask attendees to text, email or post SUBSCRIBE to your DM’s or feed, you’ll not only be able to send them the link, but they might also choose to ‘follow’ or ‘like’ you on your socials too. That’s double whammy worth it! 

        Lead Magnet Magic 

        Lead magnets are a wonderful way to provide your target consumer with something they really want. For example an exclusive PDF download guide to the best seasonal flowers, access to a video showing insider tricks on how to arrange flowers like a pro, or a brilliant discount or offer code. Lead magnets are exactly as they sound, a creative way to attract new customers who are willing to give you their email address in return for your valuable freebie. Just remember that when designing your sign up form for your lead magnet you need to be clear that by signing up they will not ONLY get your freebie but they’ll also be added to your email database and receive your awesome newsletter content.

        Find the Right Frequency

        Consistency is key when it comes to email marketing. Aim for a minimum of one email a month, but if you have the time and valuable content, don’t hesitate to send more. As long as your emails provide value, your customers will appreciate them. Monitor your email insights, such as open rates and click-through rates, to see what content resonates most with your audience. Use this data to guide your future email strategies and keep your customers engaged.

        At Queen Bee we’re full of tips and ideas for generating marketing buzz specifically for florists. Here’s a thought – our newsletter is a hive of activity, buzzing with florist-focused tips and ideas to help your business bloom. Why not sign up to discover more?

        Thanks to the bees for giving us lots of ideas to build our database. Speaking of which…we have just moved email platform provider so we’re encouraging you all to resubscribe just in case we lost a few email addresses in the process! Sign up here and you’ll get all the latest news, event info and industry news straight to your inbox.

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