Saturday 30th October 2021- Jurys Inn, Hinckley, Leicestershire

On Saturday night, the scene is set for the sparkling annual Gala Dinner and Industry Awards ceremony, celebrating the cream of the floral crop. Join us to find out who has won the coveted awards as they are crowned the best in their category as voted for by the industry, and in some categories, judged by the panel too.

We also recognise the hard working level 4 and 5 students as they are presented with their certificates by the BFA Chairman. Black tie attire is optional and we’d love for you to join the Board and the Chairman at the drinks reception at 19:00hrs.
This is followed at 19:30hrs by a 4 course meal. The evening continues with presentations of all the various awards and concludes with a music and dancing until the early hours.
Rub shoulders and network with the biggest names in floristry, be the first to find out who’s won in the BFA Industry Awards and then dance the night away.

Our compare for the night will be Simon Lycett.
Simon had the honour of being awarded Honorary Fellowship status from the Institute of Professional Florists and went to the House of Commons to receive his certificate. Simon J Lycett Ltd is proudly listed at many stunning venues in London and throughout the UK, all of which can be seen upon the website and it enjoys an international reputation for being Europe’s finest floral decorating company.

The Gala Dinner will be held in the ballroom at Jurys Inn Hotel and tickets are £65.00 per person for BFA/IoPF members (plus VAT & booking fee) or £80.00 (plus VAT & booking fee) for Non BFA members.
The Categories
The categories of the BFA Industry awards ensure the awards remain current and reflect the ever changing florist industry. Below are the categories for 2021
- IoPF Floristry Student of the Year
- Floristry Tutor of the Year
- Floristry Training Provider of the Year
- Grower of the Year
- National Flower Sender of the Year
- Floristry Service Provider of the Year
- Sundries Supplier of the Year
- Flower Supplier of the Year
- Local Flower Wholesaler of the Year
- Florist Website of the Year
- Retail Florist Shop of the Year
What happens next
- Nominations Open – This is the time to put forward the names and contacts of your favourite suppliers, college, tutors, shops, websites and growers.
- Voting Opens – Voting for the shortlisted nominations opens, this is the time for companies and individuals across the UK to get everyone voting.
- Documents returned to the BFA by the nominees as per their category criteria obligation.
- Voting Closes, verification begins – The BFA and independent adjudicators verify all votes.
- Finalists announced if you haven’t yet booked your Gala Dinner ticket now is the time!
- Winners announced at Gala Dinner
Dates 2021
17th May – Nominations open
21st June – Nominations close verification begins
19th July – Shortlist announced and voting opens. Questionnaire for retail and website awards must be completed by this date.
6th September – Voting closes (extended till 22nd September)
22nd September- Deadline date for other documentation category criteria to be sent into the BFA.
11th October – Finalist announced
30th October – Winners announced
Terms and Conditions
It’s really important that you take the time to read the Terms and Conditions of entry before you are nominated or nominate a worthy winner.
Criteria for Entry
How does the Judging process work
All nominations received will be verified before they make it to the 2021 Shortlist. This will be checked again by an independent adjudicator.
For categories with a criteria these must be sent to by the date given above.
Once received a panel of 3 judges from the Industry will check and mark the criteria and/or questionnaire given.
In the Retail and Website categories the questionnaire received will marked out of 100
From the questionnaire received, the judges marks will be collated and divided by 3 to reach an average mark. The questionnaire mark will be added to the voting mark where points will be awarded for the top 10 nominees.

Hotel Accommodation
Guests to call our Central Reservations on 0870 4100 800 in order to make their bookings.
Guests to quote Code BRIFLO291021 (please note special room rates have now closed)
Bookings on a pre-payment basis and non refundable
All guests responsible for settling their own accounts
Any unsold rooms will be automatically released 4 weeks prior to the date of the event without charge
PLEASE NOTE – When you ring the reservation number and have difficulties booking please email Eleesha where the bookings will placed for you.