CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD the letter to MP’s on no deal Brexit Tariffs.
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Dear Florist
I am sure you are aware that Brexit has raised it head with the media lately.
You may also be aware that if no deal is forthcoming with the European Community by the 31st December the government is intending to add an 8% tariff to all flowers coming into the UK.
Obviously this is going to increase your costs as well as the potential of more border checks which could delay the flowers and plants arriving into your business and your wholesaler/ importer will have an increase in documentation which could also increase the cost to you.
I have attached a sample letter which we would like you to send to your local MP to raise the awareness of these concerns. The more florists that do this the better it will be. I would be very grateful if you could let the BFA know who you have contacted and any copies of replies you have received so we can log which MP’s have been contacted. Please send this information to Tracy Tomlinson at her email address
Whilst we have a substantial and current list of wholesalers and Dutch exporters I would be very grateful if you could email me as soon as possible a contact name and email address of your flower and plants suppliers. I think they should be made aware of the governments intentions. My email address is
I hope all 650 MPs will be contacted as this tariff could have a devastating effect on the profitability of our businesses.
Tracy and I look forward to hearing from you, if we can be of assistance please do not hesitate to contact either of us.
Kind regards
CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD the letter to MP’s on no deal Brexit Tariffs.