After the roaring success of FleurEx 2022 we are excited to introduce you to the all new FloriCon business focused trade show on the 14th and 15th October 2023.
Hundreds of professional florists, floristry students and industry suppliers will come together to be inspired, network and re-energise their passion.
We will bring you the best business advice, new products, innovative floral design ideas, wholesale flowers and supplier options and above all the chance to meet up with florists from all over the UK. Our annual Industry Awards Evening will also take place on the Saturday night so you can relax and celebrate into the evening.
The two day event will include
- Business speakers in a relaxed interactive experience
- Exhibitors
- Growers and breeders
- Business drop in sessions
- Florist Skills Workshops to assist with training staff or brushing up on your technical skills
- Competitions including opportunities to compete as a team
- Work station in a relaxed interactive style so you can ‘Have a go’
TICKETS COST £40 for the whole weekend including all the seminars and drop in sessions.
- Saturday 14th October are 10:00 -16:30hrs
- Saturday 14th October Awards evening 19.00hrs
- Sunday 15th October from 9:00 -16:30hrs
We believe FloriCon 2023 will be an event to benefit all florists, where individuals and colleague groups can find inspiring activities to enhance businesses across the UK . This is an event for the whole team to enjoy.
Please note that IPF student members get in for FREE!

Holywell Park Conference Centre and the Burleigh Court Hotel
Holywell Way,
Loughborough University Science and Enterprise Park,
LE11 3GR
Located in Loughborough in the heart of England where north meets south. Just one mile from J23 M1, 8 miles from East Midlands Airport and 90 mins from London St. Pancras. Free car parking with a thousand spaces! The conference centre is surrounded by lovely gardens making it a relaxing environment for everyone to enjoy. See details below for accommodation.

Taking place in the Stephenson Theatre will be our relaxed business experts talks, which include topics on Marketing, Social Media, Website SEO and a Google speaker will be there to help you with map marking and other essential business tips.
Three 1 hour long sessions will take place on Saturday and on Sunday giving you variety and the opportunity to interact, asking the questions you need answering. These are available to everyone free of charge with an entry ticket. They are intended to help you grow your business, advance in the areas you need assistance in and give you confidence to apply what you learn, into your business.
We have booked the whole conference centre for FloriCon 2023. We’ll host a range of suppliers, service providers and wholesalers for you to interact with. There will also be rooms filled with flowers from growers and breeders across the industry. You’ll not know which one to look at first!! All available to those that have bought an entry ticket.
After last years popular BUSINESS DROP INS’, we have allocated a room on the first floor where you can join the conversation on numerous topics with a number of experts. These will be focused sessions and will run in between the business speakers so you don’t have to miss a thing! These are all available free of charge to those that buy an entry ticket.
Everyone’s floristry journey is different as is every work environment so we will be running day long classes on the Saturday and Sunday aimed at those with 5 years or less experience in the industry or those who just want to brush up on their technical skills. All are welcome with a Workshop ticket and all flowers and sundries will be provided. This could also be a great opportunity for staff development if business owners are more interested in the speaker and the business side of the event.
On Saturday night we will host the Industry Awards Evening, celebrating the winners and the best in the industry. Join us to find out who has won the coveted awards as they are crowned the best in their individual categories. The awards are voted for by the public and judged by industry experts to make sure the overall best in the biz wins on the night! The evening will take place in the Burleigh Court Hotel which you find the details of at the bottom of this page.
Your evening will begin with a drinks reception followed by a beautiful style hot buffet meal. Seated at your tables with your peers and colleagues you can enjoy your food, drinks and conversation. After this we will present all the awards, with ample opportunity for photos to celebrate the wins together. The evening will then progress with a great DJ and the opportunity to informally celebrate until the early hours with your industry friends.
We also recognise the hard working level 4 and 5 students as they will be presented with their certificates during the day at the Holywell Park conference centre on Saturday 14th.
Tickets cost £70 including drinks and buffet style dinner. Lets celebrate the award winners and party afterwards. Dress Code: Most guests usually dress for a black tie event but the evening is for you to enjoy so please come in attire that makes you feel great.
We’re throwing it out there when it comes to competitions! they’ll be something for everyone.
We’ve booked a super duper designer to show you commercial floristry for your business and staff. Lily Beelen will be with us for 2 days and you wont need to book as its all available with your entry ticket. This will be a relaxed interactive work station where Lily will be showing off some designs and you’ll be able come and ‘Have a go’. Lily can answer your questions and as it’s an interactive station you’ll be able to leave with the knowledge you need to inspire you, whatever your level of skill.
- Saturday 14th October are 10:00 -16:30hrs
- Saturday 14th October Awards evening 19.00hrs
- Sunday 15th October from 09:00 -16:30hrs

From 4-star suites and executive rooms to economy single lodge rooms, we have a range of accommodation to suit all budgets. The Burleigh Court hotel rooms are well-appointed with all the items you need for that home-from-home experience including free fast Wi-Fi , TV, tea/coffee making facilities, hairdryer, ironing facilities etc
The Hotel is in the same complex as the conference centre, just a short 10 minutes away or a 4 minute drive if you prefer. The Industry Awards Evening will take place in the restaurant at this hotel.
Delegates will be able to book a room on the discounted rate.
The code is BFA2023, rooms can be booked by visiting www.Burleigh-court.co.uk. Main reservations number/email – 01509 633033. Email address – beds@lboro.ac.uk
(If you are experiencing difficulties with booking the hotel please contact Denisa Boynton on 01509 633095. Thank you)
PLEASE NOTE – Cut off date for reduced rates will occur sometime in September 2023. The Hotel is likely to be completely booked that weekend, so please book early and if the allocated rooms sell before September, prices will rise above those given by the BFA or Burleigh Court Hotel

For those of you who might want to stay elsewhere, there are several hotels close by and within a short cab-ride distance which cover a variety of price ranges.
The Link Hotel, Ashby Rd, Loughborough LE11 4EX
The Elite Athlete Centre and Hotel, Loughborough University
Premier Inn, Southfield Rd, Loughborough LE11 9SA
The conference wouldn’t be possible without our sponsors, if you would like to know more about how you can support the event please contact Association Manager Tracy Tomlinson by email: manager@britishfloristassociation.org or call 02475090326 option 1.