BFA Member Sue Allen, daughter Holly and all the team at Flowers of Elegance in Droitwich are on their way to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.
Sue applied for the chance to exhibit way back in 2019 but as we all know the cancellation, twice, meant this September was at last their chance to showcase their floral talent.
Sue and Holly will be in the category of ‘Pollination’. They will travel down on Saturday and have made the decision to close the shop for a week while they can all celebrate a week in London. The exhibit will take 2 days to build and have been practising for months.

The journey is planned to the minute detail which includes the Vicar lending them the beehive and asking all their customers for jam jars of which they are going to need…a lot! With weddings booked every weekend its been a very busy time, but they were fortunate enough that this weekend, and the change of the Chelsea show date, meant they were free to take part this weekend.
With rules on the category ‘pollination’ they have a limited amount of material they can use at this time of year but we all know its going to be spectacular.
The judging of the awards will take place on Monday morning and will include in the Panel, 3 judges from the BFA affiliated UK Floristry Judges Guild , Lynda Owen, Sarah Hills-Inygon and Julia Ryde alongside Shane Connelly, Delyth Price and Liz Johnson.
We wish them all good luck with their exhibit and cant wait to see the pictures.
We will be at Chelsea Flower Show reporting on all the Florists exhibiting and will report the results as we get them.
To read more about the categorise click through to our webpage here