It’s Mental health awareness week and we all know the powerful effects flowers and plants can have. Now more than ever we are all working hard to promote that to the consumers. That being said, as florists we are all guilty of not looking after ourselves enough or taking our own advice. Through talking to other florists, it seems that this week in particular is ‘wobble week’ for a lot of people. So we wanted to let you know, if you are a bit wobbly, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Since March there have been so many decisions to make. All of them at a time when everyone was exhausted from a stressful mothers day, which itself was filled with uncertainty.

If you own a business, you will have been worrying about, not only your own job security but also things like, How will my business survive? What do I need to adapt? How do I explain this to staff? What responsibilities do I have? Am I being fair? Am I working within the guidelines? What forms do I fill in? Am I safe? Is my family safe? Have I been clear about operational changes? How do I step up my marketing game to adapt? And why is buying taking me longer? You have had to create new products, and not to mention that there is another change due in a few weeks. Now you’re also thinking about the next phase of ‘new normal’. It’s a lot.

If you freelance or work for others you’ll maybe be worried about your job security too, will it safe when I go back? What to do if it’s not? Can I ask about holidays so I know whats going on? How can I best help my employer? Will I be able to adapt quickly?, How long can I afford to be furloughed or out of work in my current situation? As well as many of the worries which overlap with that of business owners.
We know people with kids have had those extra duties to juggle as well, elderly family members to think about and shop for, loneliness for people who live by themselves and lots of different things which are personal to you and your families.
We think that is quite a lot to contend with, don’t you? It’s time you think about and appreciate the pressure you have been under and don’t beat yourself up for feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Buy yourself some flowers and plants
Take some flowers home with you or get yourself a plant. Appreciate the power of the products we sell. Make sure you are chatting with your friends, family, each other and you can talk to the plants too…. Don’t pretend you don’t already! Even though other people may seem to be breezing on through this confidently, sometimes it’s all a bit of smoke and mirrors to get people through the day. The pressure has been on for everyone so be nice to yourself.
Don’t forget it’s not a race, do what feels right, when it feels right, stay safe, and some things are out of your control…. Thats O.K too.
Should you need to talk to someone about your mental health then please don’t put it off. Follow this link to go to mind mental health awareness for some great advice and/or contact them on 0208 215 2243.
The Scottish Association for mental health website can be found here
The Northern Ireland Association for mental health can be found here
You can contact the BFA on info@britishfloristassociation.org . We are always happy to answer any business questions and point you in the direction of any help you need.