Ahead of the official Lonely Bouquet Day, which is on 28th June 2021, you can lend your support to the Marmalade Trust and join florists all over the UK in leaving flowers around your local area for those who need to find a little humanity and kindness right now. The finders can keep the flowers or give them to someone they might know who needs a connection to others.
The Marmalade Trust Loneliness awareness week, set for 14-18 June, was brought to our attention by D2F who are encouraging their member florists to partake, we both thought why not extend this to all florists, giving this well worthwhile cause more traction across the UK.
The campaign also coincides with British Flowers Week which is 14-20 June 2021 so there is even more scope to combine your kindness gifts to combat loneliness with the best of the best UK grown product.
The Paper Studio has also pledged to send out free tags to florists who apply so that it’s really easy to take part.

By joining in with this we can all help to highlight a growing problem in our society and it’s a fabulous way to brighten someones day who might really need it.
Read more about the Marmalade Trust Campaign as well as fining lots of resources you can download and use.
#LetsTalkLoneliness #LonelinessAwarenessWeek2021