WorldSkills UK competitions are taking place this year and registration to participate is OPEN. You have until 14th May 2021 when the registration process closes.

What are WorldSkills UK Competitions?
Skills competitions are designed by industry specific experts, and assess an individual’s knowledge, practical skills and employability attributes against set criteria in a competitive timed environment
The benefits of getting involved
Competition activity develops employability and technical skills to high levels of excellence and enhances capacity in attributes valued by employers such as teamwork, problem solving, time management, judgment and working under pressure.
How to get involved
Register your interest at www.worldskillsuk.org/skills/national-competitions/
Stages of the competition
- Passive stage – the first stage of the competition is a photographic entry and this year counts as your first competition piece. The points from this will be carried forward and go towards your final mark.
You must gain a 60% pass mark or higher to be invited to a heat
- National qualifiers
- Announcement of the finalists
- National Finals take place at WorldSkills UK Live
You can read the WorldskillsUK Floristry Technical Handbook Here which will explain each stage of the competition.
In addition why not visit our Floristry Skills page where you will find videos on techniques, how to prepare your workstation and toolbox for the competition as well as The UK Floristry Judges Guild videos on how to read a schedule and the marking facets.
Why compete?
The WorldSkills UK competition-based training programmes are designed by industry experts and enhances the practical skills and knowledge taught on training courses by assessing an individual’s employability attributes against set criteria in a competitive timed environment. The programme has a real impact on those taking part, with 90% of previous entrants saying their career progression improved after taking part and 86% stated their personal and employability skills had improved.
Those who excel in the National Qualifiers are invited to take part in the National Finals, which will take place in November across the UK, with the winners crowned the UK’s best in their chosen skill at a national celebration event. There is also the opportunity for the finalists to represent the UK at WorldSkills, known as the ‘skills Olympics’, which takes place every two years in cities around the world. WorldSkills UK is currently training a squad of apprentices and students to take part in WorldSkills Shanghai 2022.
Some Questions and Answers on this years competition (2021)……….
How are this year’s competitions taking place?
We have been working hard to ensure that competitions can still be delivered safely and effectively, with all competitions being delivered and assessed in a Covid secure way. Competitions will either take place at your local college, training provider centre or work place, or, be delivered as an online competition. Information about how each competition will be delivered and assessed will be on the webpage for each skill.
How will the National Finals take place?
We want to ensure that a national celebration will be held to honour all of the finalists and demonstrate the talent we have across the UK. Therefore, we are proposing to deliver events throughout the UK. Each location represents a skill either in education or business.
We believe this presents some fantastic opportunities to reach more people throughout the UK and truly showcase the culmination of this year’s National Finals. We want to promote this activity to all especially those that cannot attend therefore we are keen to showcase this celebration online and equally engage a national media partner.
Is WorldSkills UK LIVE still taking place?
With the continued uncertainty around large scale events, combined with the lengthy timescales and planning that is required to host all of the National Finals in one venue, watch out for further announcements about the final and what it could be mean for our florist competitors.
The BFA are the partner organisation for WorldSkills floristry competitions.