FleurEx competitions for 2019 - British Florist Association

FleurEx competitions for 2019

Who wouldn’t want to be the best in the country? Register your entry into the FleurEx competitions to start your journey. Don’t forget to read your terms and conditions of entry which can be found here. https://britishfloristassociation.org/fleurex-19/competition-rules-and-conditions-of-entry/

All competition winners will receive a Trophy and prize money of £100 – 1st place, £50.00- 2nd place, £25.00 – 3rd Place.

Please note the student competition is open to florists with less than 3 years experience and studying floristry at an accredited College or Training School.

Sunday 27th October

FleurEx 2019 Student competition Class A

Date Sunday 27th October 2019
Duration To be brought ready-made
Theme ‘Proms Evening Party’
Kind of work Bracelet
Description Design and create a bracelet to be worn at a proms evening party.
Shape Free
Size Free
Technique Free
Material All materials for this design to be supplied by the competitor
Preparation N/A

At least two thirds of the finished design must be fresh flower/ and /or plant material.

All pieces will be judged but any piece showing obvious disregard to the schedule will result in a total loss of 25 marks. Made up of 10 points from Idea (Interpretation) plus a 15-mark penalty = 25 marks. The competitor will not be placed.

The judges will be looking for high standard of technique and design.

Judging Criteria

Judging criteria as used by the UK Floristry Judges Guild.

The judges will need to handle and wear the design for judging purposes.

The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


The contestant must supply the stand/prop on which the design will be displayed. The stand/ prop on which the design will be displayed will not be judged as part of the design

Our thanks to Floral Tours for supporting this competition. Click here for more details about Floral tours

FleurEx 2019 competition Class B. Open to all florists.

Date Sunday 27th October 2019
Duration To be brought ready-made
Theme ‘Country & Western’’
Kind of work A floral buckled belt
Description Design and create a floral buckled belt suitable to be worn at a country and western line dance evening.
Shape Free
Size Free
Technique Free
Material All materials for this design to be supplied by the competitor
Preparation N/A

At least two thirds of the finished design must be fresh flower/ and /or plant material.

All pieces will be judged but any piece showing obvious disregard to the schedule will result in a total loss of 25 marks. Made up of 10 points from Idea (Interpretation) plus a 15-mark penalty = 25 marks. The competitor will not be placed.

The judges will be looking for high standard of technique and design.

Judging Criteria

Judging criteria as used by the UK Floristry Judges Guild.

The judges will need to handle and wear the design for judging purposes.

The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


The contestant must supply the stand/prop on which the design will be displayed. The stand/ prop on which the design will be displayed will not be judged as part of the design

Our thanks to The UK Floristry Judges Guild for supporting this competition. Click here for more details about UK Floristry Judges.

FleurEx 2019 competition Class C. Open to all florists

Date Sunday 27th October 2019
Duration To be brought ready-made
Theme ‘Wedding’
Kind of work Wedding Floral Hoop/Ring – The definition can be found in the Professional Florists’ Manual – ‘Ring/Wreath’
Description Design and create a floral hoop suitable for a bridesmaid at an Autumn wedding.
Shape Free
Size Free
Technique Free
Material All materials for this design to be supplied by the competitor
Preparation N/A

At least two thirds of the finished design must be fresh flower/ and /or plant material.

All pieces will be judged but any piece showing obvious disregard to the schedule will result in a total loss of 25 marks. Made up of 10 points from Idea (Interpretation) plus a 15-mark penalty = 25 marks. The competitor will not be placed.

The judges will be looking for high standard of technique and design.

Judging Criteria

Judging criteria as used by the UK Floristry Judges Guild.

The judges will need to handle the design for judging purposes.

The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


To be staged on an open table. The contestant must supply the stand/prop on which the design will be displayed. The stand/ prop on which the design will be displayed will not be judged as part of the design

FleurEx 2019 competition Class D. Open to all florists.

Date Sunday 27th October 2019
Duration To be brought ready-made
Theme ‘Halloween’
Kind of work Hand tied Bouquet
Description Design and create a hand tied bouquet within a framework suitable to celebrate Halloween. The Hand tied must be displayed within a glass vase.
Shape Free
Size Free
Technique Free
Material All materials for this design to be supplied by the competitor
Preparation N/A

At least two thirds of the finished design must be fresh flower/ and /or plant material.

All pieces will be judged but any piece showing obvious disregard to the schedule will result in a total loss of 25 marks. Made up of 10 points from Idea (Interpretation) plus a 15-mark penalty = 25 marks. The competitor will not be placed.

The judges will be looking for high standard of technique and design.

Judging Criteria

Judging criteria as used by the UK Floristry Judges Guild.

The judges will need to handle the design for judging purposes.

The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


To be staged on an open table. The glass vase must be provided by the competitor and will be judged as integral part of the design.

Our thanks to New Covent Garden Market for supporting this competition. Click here for more details on NCGM.

Click here and register

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