New Technology for florists. - British Florist Association

New Technology for florists.

New technology for florists – makes it easy to gain reviews

We love anything that makes life easier, so it’s a big thumbs up to the new Direct2Florist manager app. Available now and free to all Direct2Florist members, not just in the UK but worldwide.

Picture this – a customer orders flowers whilst having their morning cuppa, the florist receives a push notification on their phone that tells them they have an order. They check through the details and accept the order for delivery on the same day. When the flowers are made up, the florist takes a photo of what they are delivering and when they tag the order ‘delivered’ the customer receives the photo attached to the email confirming delivery. So the very same day, having their afternoon break, they can see not only that their flowers have been delivered they can also see what has been delivered. Now that really is customer service at its best.

Put simply 1) flowers ordered, 2) flowers delivered, 3) customer sat having their afternoon coffee, receives a delivery confirmation email and a photo.

Result – one very happy customer being asked to leave a review which then get published in Google.

So when an order comes through, the app gives all the information that the florist needs in order to fulfil the order.

The general overall feedback seems to be that florists love it and that it’s so easy to use however –  Here is what our florists are saying about the app….

Helen at Flowers on the Cobbles….

“On the rare occasions I am not in the shop, having the app means I can still oversee orders and check if there are any outstanding deliveries

We have set up a lovely homely area in the shop where we take pictures, it’s literally a 2 second job and we had two 5 star reviews back to back, we absolutely love the app

Our driver loves that they can have the app on their phone too because if they have to leave flowers with a neighbour, or in a safe place, they can put that in the notes section for the customer”

Fiona at Octagon Flowers….

Its fast, its efficient and so easy. I feel like a good job done once the order is tagged as delivered. It makes me feel more in control of my business.

The app has made a vast improvement towards efficiency with my orders. I love it.

The ability to attach photos is amazing, the customers love it and leave fantastic reviews and comments …

Sam at Flower Passion….

“It’s great because the app is there on your phone in your pocket ready to take the picture.  It’s all sorted then for when we are ready to send the delivery confirmation.

When I get home, I can sit and look back and check the status of all my deliveries and make sure everything is in order…”

Jo at The White Orchid Floral Boutique….

“We haven’t had the app for long but I like it if I am at home when orders come in and I can just quickly see them without having to log into the computer so I know what orders I have got before I go to work…..”

Whether Apple, Android, it can be put on multiple phones or devices so all members of staff can manage. All updating simultaneously so no worries of duplicated deliveries or unaccepted orders. The newest version stores 50 orders with a facility to search orders for the last 6 months, there’s a helpful zoom function to look at flower products and it is fully responsive on all devices for even easier viewing. What’s not to love…?

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