WorldSkills UK 2022: Finalists

The 2022 Finals

This year the floristry finals are being held at Barking and Dagenham College on 16th and 17th November 10am-2.30pm. There will be 10 other skills areas also competing in their finals too so if you’d like to come see the event then follow this link

The 8 finalists all won their places in the finals by competing in the heats which were run all over the country earlier this year. To learn more about how WorldSkills UK heats work and consider competing yourself next year, then read all about it through our earlier post here.

Let’s meet your WorldSkills UK finalists!


I’m so excited to be taking part in the World Skills UK Finals!  This has been my first time entering a floristry competition and it has given me immeasurable experience and opportunities to develop my knowledge and skills as well as grow my confidence.  Entering World Skills gives you the chance to challenge yourself and experiment with your creativity.  I am excited to continue to grow and gain experience as a florist in the industry and in competitions to achieve my full floral potential!


I never imagined I would make it this far!

I have really enjoyed my experience so far, it’s lovely coming together with other amazing florists and seeing the beautiful designs that are created. The feedback we receive is also valuable to help develop and improve skills further. 

My tip for anyone entering the competition in the future would be to really take your time when reading the competition brief to ensure you interpret it in the best possible way. Also….practise, practise, practise!

I hope to continue developing my skills ahead of the final and I look forward to competing with the other finalists. Good luck everyone!


I entered the competition after having a positive experience at another competition. I had also heard positive comments from past competitors. I also wanted to challenge myself and gain more competition experience. The tasks so far have given me new experiences, taken me out of my comfort zone and challenged my knowledge and creativity. If you are thinking of entering the competition I would say, take the plunge. My tips would be don’t over think the tasks, plan your time and trust your knowledge and abilities. This experience gives you an opportunity to showcase what you can do, obtain constructive feedback and develop yourself as a professional.

Moving forward I am taking a complete change in career direction. I want to work in the floristry industry allowing that to develop naturally to see where it takes me, seizing every opportunity along the way.


The experience has been amazing so far. Having to create different designs, under pressure, really pushes me out of my comfort zone. I love the stress, the rush, the excitement and the enormous rewarding feeling when you finish your given task.

I highly encourage everyone to enter WorldSkills. When you get your first task, read carefully what it says, get the colour wheel out, pen and paper and start sketching away. I can assure you will have an idea in no time. Then work on that idea, let it settle and start designing.

Entering this competition is a great way to prove yourself, work on your confidence and floristry skills.


I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenges and experiences so far through this competition, as this is my first floral competition that I have entered. It has been amazing to experience other peoples work and to see how they do things differently under the same brief, I feel this has helped me within my creative abilities. It has been so lovely to meet all the judges, staff, and competitors, they have all made me feel very welcome.

I would recommend entering floristry competitions as my confidence and abilities have grown greatly since competing. My main tip would be to keep clam and to know when to stop, don’t overcompensate on your floral arrangement


I have enjoyed every minute of the competition process so far. The Worldskills heat was an amazing experience. It was a brilliant opportunity to learn so much and to keep developing my skills. The feedback from the judges helped me pick up pointers to keep improving and I enjoyed the challenge of not knowing what flowers I would be working with and how to allocate them to the different designs I had to make.

I would strongly encourage everyone to enter the competition. The feedback helps improve your technical skills, your creativity is pushed and developed as well as the ability to work under a time pressure. It is also a fantastic opportunity to meet different florists, see their wonderful creations and how everyone creates different designs from the same schedule. You never know where it might lead. A tip I would give is to make sure you leave enough time to do final checks on the finished design


Being very new to floristry I jumped at the chance to gain valuable skills, and the experience of competing. I wanted to challenge and push myself out of my comfort zone. 

I’ve really enjoyed designing from a brief and seeing my thought process through to a completed piece, I’ve found it very satisfying and a real confidence boost.

The experience you’ll gain by entering is invaluable! Watch the guidance videos on the BFA website and take all advice on board, it will stand you in good stead and really help prepare you for competing. 


So far WorldSkills has been a whirlwind, I have loved designing and producing my tasks, even if the regional heats was a bit nerve-racking! I have enjoyed meeting and working with other apprentices; making some lovely stuff that I’m super proud of.

My tips for anyone else wanting to give WorldSkills a go is to just do it! The stages so far have helped my confidence massively and the feedback I have received from the judges has been invaluable to my learning process as an apprentice. 

Best of luck to all the competitors, we can’t wait to cheer you on and see what the future holds for you all.

You can follow us on Instagram and Facebook to follow the event. The winners of this competition along with all the other Skills will be announced by former apprentice and TV journalist Steph McGovern who will hand out medals from her Packed Lunch studio on Friday 25 November.

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