Hub Meeting: Glasgow 2024

With 3 meetings still to go we thought you’d like to see our first meeting in Glasgow. It went down a storm!…. Next stop Sheffield on 9th June.

On 19th May the BFA held the first 2024 Hub meeting in Glasgow at Country Baskets. The day was filled with networking, demos, marketing activities, talks and competitions. We had around 60 attendees and the BFA are so pleased to have met you all and been able to bring a meeting to our Scottish Florists.

What an amazing day of enthusiastic florists focused on professional floristry, communication and friendship!

Chair of the BFA: Nikki Meader welcoming you in!
Round table florist talks on Planning for Profit.
Sustainable demonstrations for commercial use.
Dekker Chrysanten provided flowers for attendees and a variety of useful giveaways for attendees.
Gemma from Digital Florists talking about software and e- commerce.
UKFJG Judges working on our competitions: UK Florist of the year heats.
Denise Murphy: Sustainable funeral design demo
Karen Lindsay: Sustainable gift design demo
Queen Bee provided us with a months worth of Social media prompts!
Direct2florist: Hub Sponsor
UK Florist of the Year sponsor Oasis®Floral Products and Floral Life.

There is still time to buy tickets to the other Hubs throughout June and July so pop on over to the event page and book your ticket now for the venue to suit you!

We will be sharing Competition pictures after the last heat in July in fairness to the competitors of UK Florist of the Year and UK Florist of the Year: Newcomer

Thanks to:

Dennis and staff at Country baskets for the wonderful hosting, lunch and refreshments

Direct2florist for their sponsorship and support of the Hub meeting itself, enabling the BFA to host the event on Florists behalf.

Andrew, Claire and Emma from Oasis®Floral Products and Floral life for their sponsorship of the competitions, lovely product display and giveaways

UK Floristry Judges Guild for judging our UK florist of the Year heats.

Dekker Chrysanten for providing flowers for our demonstrators, a display of chrysanthemums and a variety of giveaways.

Queen Bee for providing a marketing activity for florists and a whole month of social media prompts!

Don’t get FOMO…. Join us, there are 3 more hubs to go!

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