New spring edition of 365 days of flowers is published - British Florist Association

New spring edition of 365 days of flowers is published

The latest edition of the seasonal online magazine 365 days of flowers is out now, in a fresh new format! As usual, the magazine is full of floral sales opportunities for the season, showcasing how the scents and colours of special flowers can drive sales. An updated look-and-feel offers a smoother reading experience. A free membership service is also now available, making subscribers the first to know about the launch of the latest seasonal editions. 

Since its introduction in October 2020, the team behind 365 days of flowers have been closely monitoring and reviewing its user experience, aiming to tailor the magazine to the needs of readers. After all, reading a magazine online will always be a little different to the experience in print.

So, the seasonal editions can now be found at – where the reading experience is optimised thanks to a fresh look, new (interactive) features and a new design. The seasonal magazine 365 days of flowers has about 14,000 international readers.

Spring: the season of opportunities

This new spring edition comprises a delicate balance of inspiration, information, and sales stimulation. Striking photography combines with bitesize informative stories showcasing special flowers and foliage of the season. Readers can easily subscribe to the free magazine which offers a full promotional package including free photography, posters, and flower facts in four languages (NL, DU, EN, FR) – all of which is simple for florists to share and download for use on their own shop floor, websites, and social media.

Stimulate the senses with ‘Spring is here again’ days

As of mid-February, florists can make the most of the spring campaign, ‘Spring is here again’, which runs for the fifth year in a row. It encourages florists to play with the senses of their customers. It’s the easiest way to leave winter behind: enjoy fresh spring scents and see vibrant spring colours. Florists can make use of ready-made (digital) resources for online point-of-sale, as the campaign makes it easy to highlight fragrant spring flowers across websites, newsletters, and social media. Florists are the ultimate ‘bearers of good news’ this season.

365 days of flowers

Commissioned by the 365 Days of Flowers promotional committee, the campaign is developed and implemented by Concept Factory. It is made possible by cut flower growers affiliated to Royal FloraHolland. The campaign aims to support florists in making the most of sales opportunities throughout the seasons with special flowers. 

Goes mobile for 365 days corporate member of British Florist Association

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