The BFA Awards has been created to highlight and celebrate all the dedicated and hard working people that make up the floral industry. Its intention is to raise the awareness of our skills, celebrate achievements and create an amazing opportunity to connect to the public.
Year on year this awards ceremony has grown and become an eagerly anticipated event. Each category has its own set of criteria for entry and the winners marks are made up of a panel of industry experts as well as public vote. It truly represents the best of the best and we are proud to showcase the work of all involved.

This year we are a little starting the awards a little earlier than usual as our FleurEx trade event is now in September. Starting the nomination process in April means we can all still enjoy a whole month of promotion, voting and judging, giving our industry and your customers some real exposure to what amazing professionals you truly are.
How it works
5th April – Nominations open 12pm
31st May – Nominations close 5pm
1st June – Verification begins
1st July – Shortlist announced 12pm
22nd July – Questionnaires must be completed and submitted for relevant categories 5pm
29th July – Voting opens and Judging begins 12pm Public voting (one per person). An international panel of industry leaders & professionals will judge in each category, their marks will be averaged to find the judges favourites based on the submission criteria.
1st September – Judging closes 12pm.
6th September – Finalists announced 12pm Public votes are combined with judges votes to find the winner.
28th September – Winners announced at Industry Awards Evening
The awards evening will take place Saturday 28th September at the BFA Awards ceremony held at:
East Midlands Conference Centre
Beeston Lane
Nikki Meader, Chair of the BFA, acts as moderator
The Categories

Best of Luck to you all! we look forward to celebrating with you in September