This year’s Valentines was certainly much harder to predict especially when it falls on a Monday. With all the speculation of shortages, price increases and Covid still playing a part in your business, Valentines can be challenging at the best of times, its one of the hardest to get absolutely spot on. So how did you do?
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Valentines survey. We appreciate the time and effort and we can reveal ALL the responses for this Valentines survey 2022.
Retail shop business in village/town/city | 75.60% |
Studio florist working from a unit | 20.24% |
Event/ wedding florist | 0.60% |
Freelance florist | 1.79% |
Wholesaler | 0.00% |
Other (please specify) | 1.79% |
England | 86.31%145 |
Scotland | 8.33%14 |
Wales | 2.38%4 |
Northern Ireland | 2.98%5 |
Increased on last year | 21.69% |
Same as last year | 15.06% |
Less than last year | 51.81% |
I don’t have an online website | 11.45% |
Not applicable | 52.41% |
I received less orders than last year | 28.92% |
I received more orders than last year | 5.42% |
I received the same amount of orders from my relay | 7.23% |
Please comment here if you want to say more about your relay orders. | 6.02% |
Click here to read the responses
Increased on last year | 25.90% |
Same as last year | 30.12% |
Less than last year | 40.36% |
I avoided roses and chose other flowers | 3.01% |
I stopped buying red roses due to cost | 0.60% |
Less than 500 | 54.76% |
Between 500 and 1000 | 19.67% |
Between 1000 and 1500 | 14.85% |
Between 1500 and 2000 | 4.17% |
More than 2000 | 6.55% |
Dutch | 27.54% |
Kenya | 7.78% |
Colombia | 28.74% |
Ecuador | 26.95% |
Mixture of Dutch & South American Countries | 17.37% |
Mixture of South American Countries | 4.19% |
Don’t know, got them from the wholesaler | 11.38% |
Other (please specify) | 0.60% |
Only one response which was ‘Colombian freedom and dutch red Naomi’.
80p or less | 0.00% |
80p – £1.00 | 2.99% |
£1.00 – £1.20 | 20.96% |
£1.20 – £1.50 | 38.92% |
£1.50 – £2.00 | 23.35% |
£2.00 – £2.50 | 11.98% |
More than £2.50 per stem | 1.80% |
Yes | 38.55% |
No | 11.45% |
I did a mix of pre-order and top ups | 49.40% |
I’m not offered pre-order | 0.60% |
Over 1 week ahead of Valentines day | 8.93% |
The week leading up to Valentines Day | 41.67% |
In the last 2 days | 42.26% |
on the day | 7.14% |
Emails | 19.51% |
71.34% | |
81.10% | |
5.49% | |
TikTok | 3.05% |
Other (please specify) | 21.95% |
A huge amount of florists used Instagram. Below are just some of the other methods florists used.
- Designed leaflets and local newsletter 8000 copies
- local magazines and news agents post offices shops
- Radio
- Text message and contacted regular customers
Flowers | 30.36% |
Sundries | 68.75% |
Plants | 27.68% |
Other (please specify) | 30.36% |
Question 13 responses click here
We just love how passionate you are about your industry and your business. So here’s a few comments (impossible to add 200 of them) that are so insightful and made us smile. Thank you to all those that answered.
Q 14 With flower price increases, Covid still around and the cost of living going up is there anything else you would like to shout about with regards to the flower industry in the UK.
Thanks to my customers who still brought flowers despite the increase. They appreciate quality and I have a lot of returning customers.
Yes, florists need to stop wittering about it, adjust prices to new higher levels and stop putting ourselves down. Every other industry has increased their prices why do we feel the need to give things away! Although saying that the supermarkets selling flowers for less than we can buy is infuriating!
There is such a big increase in prices, my average bill has increased by nearly 25%each week.. I am trawling the web shops for offers!! There’s a considerable increase in sundry costs we are rethinking how we can deliver top quality without having to increase our prices to much.. Its survival off the fittest right now..
We just adapt to these things, as no way of changing it, just got to move with the times, if prices go up our prices increase etc, see far too many people moaning on different florist forums, JUST ADDAPT TO CHANGES! Also see to much moaning about supermarkets, we will never be able to contend with their prices and they are always going to be there etc its about educating your customers on quality etc SPEND LESS TIME MOANING AND MORE TIME SHOWCASING WHAT OUR INDUSTRY DOES!!!!!!! PUT ENERGEY IN TO OUR INDUSTRY NOT WORRING AND MAONING ABOUT WHAT THE SUPERMARKETS ETC ARE DOING! (SORRY NEEDED TO VENT LOL) I’m so passionate about this if you cant tell so always happy to discuss further and aid in anyway I can.
It is more costly for us doing deliveries nowadays
The frustration of people undercharging
It was a lot busier than last year when we were in lockdown
Market prices are like a yo yo ! Its harder than ever to forward plan.
Customer needs to be better educated about florists and what we do , we should not be compared to supermarkets . We need to be promoted as a quality luxury industry .
Xanth!!!! oh dear what a silly price